Featured Canoe Outfitters and Lodging

Gunflint Lodge
Gunflint Trail BWCA

Cascade Lodge
Lutsen, Minnesota

Atikokan, Ontario

Lutsen Resort
On Lake Superior

Gunflint Trail

BWCA and Quetico
Park Maps For Sale
It's now easier to get started with your trip planning. CanoeCountry.com offers many resources to help you get going! We highly recommend using an outfitter, especially if it is your first canoe trip in the BWCA-Boundary Waters Canoe Area or Quetico Park.
How much is a permit for the BWCA? A nonrefundable reservation fee of $32.00
is charged for each permit issued. There is a maximum of
9 persons / 4 canoes allowed on a permit traveling and
camping together. More about fees
| Rules & Regs
First, read the About, FAQs, Where is Canoe Country?, Introduction, History, Travel Ethics and Safety Tips. Been in the BWCA in winter? If not, your missing ice fishing, dog sledding, skiing, snow shoeing, winter camping, and more...[click here]
Step 2: Look over entry points and pick an area you'd like to visit by looking at the overview map of the area. We carry all the trip maps for your Boundary Waters and Quetico Park visit. Purchase maps here.
Step 3: Canoe trip outfitters can supply you with complete or partial equipment needs. Select an outfitter or guide service for your adventure. Or stay at a resort, lodge, cabin, bed & breakfast or campground and day trip into the BWCA. Need assistance? Click here for outfitting or lodging.
Step 4: Select your entry point for canoeing or hiking. Permits must be reserved before you enter the BWCA and Quetico Park for camping overnight. Day tripping only requires a self completed day-use permit which is available at entry points, canoe trip outfitters, forest service stations, and
Step 5: The BWCA Reservation Web site has real-time permit availability, this is an external link to the National Recreation Reservation Service at; www.recreation.gov
Not associated with anyone in Minnesota.
>>Bonus Steps: See before you go! Paddle on by the Boundary Waters Image Gallery by outdoor photographer Layne Kennedy.